My teenaged daughter got her first 15 minutes of fame this week in the form of a photo in our national newspaper which accompanied a very provocative article about my sister's business. I took a surprising amount of flack for it, both in the form of jabs at my sister, and my lack of outrage for the photo. I would like to stop talking about it now so here are my final words.
a) I thought Princess photographed very well and it was a nice shot of her. She herself was not offended by any of it, so to me that was what was most important. She took a bit of heat for it, but hey, she has a lived the past 17 years of her life with a pornstar last name so her skin is thick. She laughed and said she felt a little like Miley Cyrus on the front of Vanity Fair. She did not see the big deal.
b) My sister has a great sense of humour. I understand it. We were, after all, raised in the same house with the same set of parents. They are also wickedly funny. So no, I am not offended by my sister's actions.... not ever. She works harder than most people I know. She gives back to her community and treats people with respect and that will always be good enough for me.
And for those cynics who think she exploited my daughter.. she did not. If you need to point a finger, point it at the journalist.
We now return to our regularly scheduled program.......
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