I can finally see life in my garden. I can't wait for the weekend to really start digging and cleaning out the yard. The sun is beating in through my french doors and the backyard almost looks like it is on fire it is so bright - I am finally feeling alive again after months of hibernation - you would be hard pressed to get the smile off my face.
I never really wish I was anyone other than myself. I am lucky that way, and thank myself each day for my good fortune, but today I am doing a little daydreaming and wishing I was Doris. Doris is my piano teacher and has been for the past two years. I am sure I make her a little bit crazy as I am not always as prepared for her lessons. This is partly due to my hectic schedule, and partly due to the fact that the god-damned A on my piano ceased to function several months ago and it is painful to practice. So today I want to be Doris so I can throw open my back doors and sit and play wonderful music in the sunshine for everyone to hear. She plays so effortlessly and despite what I am sure must of been many hours of practice and hard work, she makes everything look so simple and sound beautiful. The reality is - I will never be Doris. So I guess I must make the time to get my new piano, practice till my fingers hurt and hope one day that I can play half as good as she does.
Happy Spring!