I don't have a best friend. I have about 20 of them. All of them made my birthday special. These are some of my weekend highlights....
-Three beautiful little boys bounding through my door and showering me with luscious bath products
-Dinner with their beautiful parents on the Danforth followed by drinks in the "clubhouse"
-A day just for me and a bottle of red from some lovely neighbours
-A special night with just my husband and kids with cake, too many gifts, movies and cuddles
-Birthday emails, facebooks posts and a special call from Brazil
-My parents almost remembering it was my birthday
-A run with a new buddy and a nice bottle of red
-Lattes with the girls on Queen Street and finally some sunshine
-My new felted purse from Shopgirls
-Another birthday cake and Indian Food with a favourite couple
-A late-night email from a dear girlfriend that made me cry with joy - a special thank-you for that one
Thanks to everyone for their well-wishes and for making this my best birthday ever.