Sunday, December 14, 2008
Member since 1989

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Great Wall Of China
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Bobo On Ice
Mr. Bobo is playing ice hockey for the first time. He is embracing it, which is somewhat surprising since he doesn't really like organized sports. It is so much fun to watch him. I did not go to today's game as I had to see a pesky client. He called me on my cell on the way home and was pretty much hyperventalating.... he got his FIRST GOAL. Not the take away from the assist he also got moments earlier. It was pretty exciting. Um, he also went to school this week (spirit week) on sports day dressed as a ballerina.... and no, he did not get beat up.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sometimes music can take me right back to a single moment in time. I was surprised tonight that a mention of a book could as well. I should re-read it and see what it may mean to me now. I used to read Dead Souls over and over again, but outside of that, I have shied away from Russian literature - preferred the french. When I was younger, I read some Flaubert, but then zeroed in on Zola. The Drunkard was the first of his books that I consumed. And I mean consumed.
Now my daughter is consumed with a series of books the same way I was with Zola. I wonder how she will feel about those books if/when she re-reads them as an adult.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Mildred's Temple Kitchen
There used to be this great restaurant in town called Mildred Pierce. It had been around for years, but shut down last year with the promise of something new.... Well, it is back. The reincarnation is called "Mildred's Temple Kitchen" and it is located at 85 Hanna Avenue in the west end of Toronto - basically just a stone's throw from the old location. I happen to know both the owners and was invited there on the weekend for a test brunch. I think their actual opening is this week, but check the official website to be sure (www.mildredstemplekitchen.com) The food was pretty much as I expected - great. But the new look? Oh boy it is fantastic! Totally modern and ultra cool, right down to the bathrooms. Do yourself a favour a check it out. You will not be disappointed.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I have not posted for months but felt I should today. This is a photo of a sign on my neighbour's lawn. I've had quite a few inquiries about this as I live in Canada and it is a U.S. election sign. My neighbour, however, is American and favours Mr. Obama. In truth, so do I. I am a news junkie so I stayed up late last night to watch the election. By the time Mr. Obama arrived at Grant Park, it was just my daughter and I sitting on the couch to witness this historic event. I am hopeful he will be a better President than the last.
Segregation was alive and well the year I was born. I was raised in a fairly white-bread neighbourhood and it didn't seem out of place to tell an off-colour joke involving race, religion or sexual orientation. As I got older, I learned the errors of my ways and the hurt that can be caused by even the smallest of prejudices. I am now raising my children in an urban area that is a melting pot of cultures and colours and it is a whole new world than the one I was born to.
I still harbour some prejudices, but only towards assholes.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Summer is here

Summer is flying by. I knew it would. Here are some of the highlights from the past few weeks...
- Watching Bobo sail a boat
- Running in torrential downpours
-Taking Princess to a movie, then sneaking in to another
- An overnight at a friends cabin
- Time with my husband
- Last night's Eagle's concert.
Tomorrow I get to see Bobo in a play at his drama camp, then I am off to Newfoundland for the weekend with some girlfriends. If you have never been to the rock, treat yourself and go. It is pure magic.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Letting Go.

My house looks like a bomb hit it. It is full of teenagers, icing sugar, power tools and laptops. Even worse than the house is the workshop. I have been holding off tackling this project, but now that summer is upon us, I just need to get to it. For the past three years I have been collecting discarded objects, bits of wood and other oddities to work on my art. I accomplished what I set out to do, but now it is hard to get rid of the leftovers. Today I started shoveling through the heaps. I know I should just load it all into a bin, but I don't have the heart - so I am slowly dismantling my collection and doing some building along the way. I know I will feel better when it is done, and then I can get on with my summer. I know it is going to be another great one.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
From Memory

Now I rest.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I ran another race on the weekend - but it did not belong to me. I came along for the ride with a lovely girl that had never run a race before and had asked me to coach her some months ago. She had some difficulty along the way, due to the high temperatures. I know the feeling, as I experienced the same last year in Chicago and it is a struggle. I am so proud of her for the way she finished. Despite not feeling 100 percent, she finished within minutes of her goal time. Anyone can finish something that is easy, but only a true champion can finish something that is difficult. I was proud to run with her, but even more gratified to see her cross that finish line and accept her medal. It was my most memorable moment as a coach.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Death and Taxes
Monday, April 7, 2008
I Wish I Was.....

I never really wish I was anyone other than myself. I am lucky that way, and thank myself each day for my good fortune, but today I am doing a little daydreaming and wishing I was Doris. Doris is my piano teacher and has been for the past two years. I am sure I make her a little bit crazy as I am not always as prepared for her lessons. This is partly due to my hectic schedule, and partly due to the fact that the god-damned A on my piano ceased to function several months ago and it is painful to practice. So today I want to be Doris so I can throw open my back doors and sit and play wonderful music in the sunshine for everyone to hear. She plays so effortlessly and despite what I am sure must of been many hours of practice and hard work, she makes everything look so simple and sound beautiful. The reality is - I will never be Doris. So I guess I must make the time to get my new piano, practice till my fingers hurt and hope one day that I can play half as good as she does.
Happy Spring!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Life is an occasion - Rise to it

We are back from Florida, well rested with peeling skin. It was nice to get away, despite arriving a day late. We found ourselves stranded in JFK after that brutal storm that blew through the province. The kids and I dragged our luggage out to a cab and found ourselves a nice hotel not far from the Plaza. Yes, we tried the Plaza, but alas, it was booked. What a nice little diversion, spending 24 hours in the Big Apple with my babies. Mr. Bobo was a total tourist, while Princess just pined away for a designer handbag. It was probably the best 24 hours I have spent with them and so much fun to have them along on the adventure. They truly are portable. We took a carriage ride through central park and I saw many runners. Made we wonder if I should be throwing my hat in the ring for the fall marathon.......
Monday, February 25, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I don't have a best friend. I have about 20 of them. All of them made my birthday special. These are some of my weekend highlights....
-Three beautiful little boys bounding through my door and showering me with luscious bath products
-Dinner with their beautiful parents on the Danforth followed by drinks in the "clubhouse"
-A day just for me and a bottle of red from some lovely neighbours
-A special night with just my husband and kids with cake, too many gifts, movies and cuddles
-Birthday emails, facebooks posts and a special call from Brazil
-My parents almost remembering it was my birthday
-A run with a new buddy and a nice bottle of red
-Lattes with the girls on Queen Street and finally some sunshine
-My new felted purse from Shopgirls
-Another birthday cake and Indian Food with a favourite couple
-A late-night email from a dear girlfriend that made me cry with joy - a special thank-you for that one
Thanks to everyone for their well-wishes and for making this my best birthday ever.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Be Mine

Mr. Bobo was so excited to come home with this card for my husband and I. He made one for Princess as well and it was a touching moment. Today is his big Valentine's Day dance and he will come home tonight with a big bag of cards and candies from everyone in his class. I like the grade school tradition of celebrating ALL your special valentines, not just one. Of course I have my special one... we don't really celebrate the day and we try to mark our love for each other every day. Sometimes we fail, but for the most part we don't, and for that I am lucky. So today I will celebrate all the great friendships I have with all the other special boys in my life. So if I have sent you this link, it is my way of telling you that you are special to me and I am lucky to have you on my list of valentines.
Have a wonderful day.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Shake What Your Momma Gave You

My ears are still ringing from last night's Spice Girls concert. I was surrounded by screaming little girls and it did not stop from the time we arrived until we got into the van. They had fun and it was great to watch the girls enjoying themselves so much. It did make me dream to the good old days when a hotbox at a concert was expected. The stale $4 bag of popcorn just did not have the same effect on me.
Can someone please go to Quinzno's and get Posh a sub?
Monday, February 4, 2008
Super Bowl Monday

I'm and tired from the weekend, and home with a sick little boy. Actually not a bad way to spend a Monday if I did not have so much work to do. I'm not focussed. It is because it is February and the weather is flat.
I had a buddy call me last week who was worried about me as it appeared I'd dropped off the face of the planet. I'm still here, just crazy with no time. Tonight I am taking 3 girls to see the Spice Girls. Not sure if i'm up to it, but I know it will be fun once I get there. Friday is the art auction I participate in each year - I'm looking forward to that. These next few weeks things probably won't slow down. We have valentine cards to do, school trips, meetings, volunteer stuff, carpentry. When it is all over, I promise I will have one of my crazy, sloppy house parties and we can all catch up again.
Oh, and I'm in the market for a new piano. If anyone out there has a line on a decent one drop me a line.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
No, this blog is not dead.......
I've just been super busy with life. I wish I had nothing better to do than play on the internet. I'm posting this video. My freind J. put it on my facebook, although I had seen it before. It is good to revisit every once and a while, just to put things back into perspective.
I've just been super busy with life. I wish I had nothing better to do than play on the internet. I'm posting this video. My freind J. put it on my facebook, although I had seen it before. It is good to revisit every once and a while, just to put things back into perspective.
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