I hate to be one of those mothers that goes on and on about her kids, but if you have ever spent any time with mine, you would get it.
My dear Mr. Bobo never complains. And I mean EVER. I promised him I would go on a field trip with his class to Mackenzie House. That little fella was nothing short of proud to have me along (Princess does not suffer this). Things were going along quite swimmingly. We spent some time in the victorian print shop, then went to the basement to do a little Virginia Reel - complete with costumes. That's when things turned a little ugly and some poor kid in his class started vomiting. Despite the attendance of many parents, I somehow got roped into taking him home (okay, I volunteered) I don't think any other parents really wanted to, as they did not want to upset their own kids by leaving them. I pulled Mr. Bobo aside and explained the situation. I told him I had to bail on the trip, but his buddy was sick and needed my help. It is quite possible it was tearing him apart inside, but he gave me a hug and told me he would be okay. I handed him his lunch and we parted ways.
He is only 8, but always seems to get the bigger picture. I know many adults who still don't. I'm gonna spoil him silly once we land in Florida - how can I resist?